Thursday, September 17, 2015

instruction: nixel flame mech

heya all!

back again with me, and i made instruction for nixel flame mech.

as usual, i didn't include the nixel in the instruction because it's the same nixel that came with the set.

in case you haven't seen this guy, see my previous post

download the instruction on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

nixel dark mech (glowkies max alternate build)

heya all!

i've been away for a while, and quite busy, but among my tight schedule, i still could find time for MOC-ing, so here goes. this is my latest nixel mech, nixel dark mech.

as you can probably guess, this mech is made from mixels glowkies from series 4. i originally didn't plan on getting them, but then i saw them on 50% sale, so eh, why not.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)