Friday, December 4, 2015

legoformer: general scree

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm bringing my newest legoformer, General Scree

and yes, he's green. deal with it.
anyway, thanks to Gael Prime on Facebook, we get a cool short story to go with him:
General Scree 

Ruling as far as the eye could see , every autobot, maximal, decepticon, and predacon scrubbed clean from the face of cybertron . 
 "With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve". this is the principle that he live by. to win the war at all costs, the only way to obtain peace, a new genesis .
he keeps winning his wars not with focus of might, but focus of mind, with tactics no one had ever seen before. ruling an army of drone and clones, unified in one mind. 
Regardless of  his own abilities of becoming a living whirlwind in his self designed shell, his real skill, through the decades of obsession with battle tactics, he once fighting as a decepticon until his mind became so honed he could predict cause and effect as if he was foreshadowing the future. 
feeling there was no other choice, he destroyed every living being to bring about what he felt was needed, Believing wholeheartedly the cause of their problems was vector sigma's manipulation , he took it upon himself to finally destroy it. 
If you venture on this realm of cybertron, beware, for if you venture too close, your journey will come to an end there.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and a gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

instruction: nixel dark mech

heya all!

sorry for the long delay, i've been quite busy with...responsibility...but hey, i've got something for you!

i finally finished the instruction for nixel dark mech.

as usual, i didn't include the nixel in the instruction because it's the same nixel that came with the set.

in case you haven't seen this guy, see my previous post

download the instruction on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, October 2, 2015

legoformer: alpha pavonis.

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm bringing you my newest legoformer, alpha pavonis.

alpha pavonis: dawn of the beginning

As he looked up in the sky , the old bot's last bit of energon fading away. He never followed any religions of cybertron, astrology among many other things. But not today. The one star he could see, alpha pavonis. it was his favorite. a symbol of everlasting hope, which became the name of his first creation, that now just a forgotten memory .
In his last moments, the old bot decides to pray to whatever may be watching him up there, when alpha suddenly appeared. the old bot is believing this is a hallucination due to energy depletion. little did he know, he never went far from home. Always watching and learning, his yearning for companionship, alpha never goes against being told what to do.
Seeing his maker is just moments away from joining the allspark made him realize how wrong he was. Unleashing his skills of martial combat, with his only real chance to help the old bot, he came.
his enemies dead scream, the only noise, they screams as they hit the floor. The prayers he believed had been answered as the creation held his hand and said "im always here for you my master".
"before i pass, i have a confession for you, i am not your creator. i merely found you. I did all i could to turn you against your nature, but i see yet by the symbol you wear, i've failed you. Whoever you were, is now gone. you're better than this, i've seen it. your name means hope to cybertronians. As i die, my only wish is that you ...keep mine alive". as he fades from this world, alpha says softly to him, "i dont know what i was but what i am now and i'll never be anything but this again...i promise"

awesome story, isn't it? special thanks for gael prime on facebook for this story. :)

so yeah, as usual, it's a legoformer that transform into cybertronian spacecraft.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

instruction: nixel flame mech

heya all!

back again with me, and i made instruction for nixel flame mech.

as usual, i didn't include the nixel in the instruction because it's the same nixel that came with the set.

in case you haven't seen this guy, see my previous post

download the instruction on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

nixel dark mech (glowkies max alternate build)

heya all!

i've been away for a while, and quite busy, but among my tight schedule, i still could find time for MOC-ing, so here goes. this is my latest nixel mech, nixel dark mech.

as you can probably guess, this mech is made from mixels glowkies from series 4. i originally didn't plan on getting them, but then i saw them on 50% sale, so eh, why not.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

nixel flame mech (infernites max alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this tiem i'm showing you my latest creation, nixel flame mech.

nixel flame mech, is made by using the infernites from series 1 (the red guys).

to show further of this mech, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

instruction: nixel acid mech

heya all!

bacl again with me, and i finally manage to finish the instruction for nixel acid mech.

as usual, i didn't include the nixel in the instruction, simply because it's the exact same nixel that came with the sets needed.

my blog post for this mech, in case you haven't seen it.

download the instruction at my repubrick page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Sunday, August 16, 2015

pleyworld: my legoformer entries

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm just gonna gives you quick news, that i'm already put soem of my legoformers on pleyworld. for those of you who don't know, pleyworld is basically an unofficial version of lego ideas, with less restrictive rules.

in pleyworld, after you submit your entry (or in my case, entries) you will try to gather 5000 supporters. once it reached 5000 supporters, your entry will be turned into an unofficial sets, available for phurcase or rents at pleyworld website. no further screenings.

more info on pleyworld homepage.

so with that, here's a link to my entries, and their blog post that i made, in case you haven't seen them.

legoformer block:

pleyworld entry page
blog post

legoformer blitzkrieg:

pleyworld entry page
blog post

metalbeard custom:

pleyworld entry page
blog post

legoformer speedmaster:

pleyworld entry page
blog post

if you think any of these creations deserve a chance to be made into an actual product that can be publically purchased, feel free to give your support by click the "vote" button on the corresponding links.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

ultimate fangar (chi sir fangar + chi mungus)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my chima ultrabuild creation, ultimate fangar.

ultimate fangar is made by combining chima ultrabuild chi sir fangar with chi mungus.

to show further, here's a video review;

and gallery here.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

instruction: nixel impact mech

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm giving you instruction for nixel impact mech.

if you don't know anything about this guy yet, look at my nixel impact mech post.

as usual, i didn't include the nixel in the instruction, because the nixel is the same nixel that came with the set.

instruction can be downloaded on my repubrick page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, July 31, 2015

nixel acid mech (glorp corp max alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you another nixel mech, nixel acid mech.

nixel acid mech is made using the glorp corp, the green mixels from series 3. his main weapon is acid blaster on his arms.

to find out more, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, July 30, 2015

nixel impact mech (flexers max alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my newest nixel mech, nixel impact mech.

nixel imlact mech is made from the flexers, the orange colored mixels from series 2.

to find out more, here's a video review:

and a gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

blade mech (nixel blade mech mod)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you blade mech, a modded version of nixel blade mech.

please pardon if the minifig looks unmatched, i don't have much of a minifig.

here's a tutorial video for the mod:

and gallery here

also an instruction for nixel blade mech on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

legoformer: speedmaster

heya all!

sorry about the lack of posts last week, i've been on a problem called 'being lazy" lol. but now i'm back, and hopefully can post regularly again. for now, here's my newest legoformer, speedmaster.

speedmaster is one of the very few of my legoformer that's not green. and probably my new favourite.

to show further about this guy, here's a video review:

and a gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

instruction: street-scrapper

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm releasing an instruction for my legoformer, street-scrapper.

in case you don't know about this guy yet, check my post about this guy

instruction and parts list to build this guy can be downloaded on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, July 6, 2015

legoformer: street-scrapper

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my latest legoformer, street-scrapper.

this time, instead of making full-fledged legoformer, i'm going for something different by making it looks like a G1 toys. so no articulation, and practically a brick. but still, nonetheless, fun to play with, and sturdy.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, July 3, 2015

legoformer: sixgun (by alanyuppie)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you a cool rendetion of sixgun, by alanyuppie.

sixgun is metroplex's minion, that transform into his weapons in G1. this rendition by alanyuppie, i think is pretty accurate, while at the same time looks different, and scream alanyuppie's style.

to see more about alanyuppie's sixgun, check his blog post (part 1 and part 2).

also check his blog for more of his creation.

and his flickr gallery too.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

bulk drill machine (44025 alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my latest creation, bulk drill machine.

this mech was made only using parts from set 44025 bulk drill machine. i don't really like the walker shape, so i decided to turns it into humanoid mech.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

john oldman (by Dvd)

heya all!

sorry for the absence of post these past few days. i'm now back, and this time i wanna show you a cute robot (maybe...) by Dvd on flickr.

usually i'm showing a cool, badass, battle-ready robot in this blog, so when i saw this cute "robot" by Dvd, i decide that this will be a good change of pace once in a while. this guy is made from the mixels klinkers sets, and really captures the expression of an old man.

to see more of Dvd's creation, check his flickr page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

instructions: nixel blade mech

heya all!

back again with me, this time i want to share with you guys an instruction for my moc, nixel blade mech.

as usual, i don't include the nixel on the instruction, since it's the exact same nixel as the one with the official set.

in case you don't know about this guy yet, check my previous post

instruction can be found on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, June 26, 2015

legoformer: TF prime dreadwing (by aranobilis98)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i wanna show you another cool legoformer by aranobilis98 on flickr.

usually, i try to not feature a creation from someone that i already featured on my blog before, but this guy is just too cool to pass. plus, since he just made a youtube channel, i think he could use some publication. :)

to show further about this guy, check the video review:

and also check his flickr gallery here

and if you want to see more of Aranobilis98's creations, check his youtube channel and flickr page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

nixel blade mech (wiztastics max alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my newest nixel mech, nixel blade mech.

it's been a long time since i made a nixel mech, and when i saw the wiztastics guys were on 50% sale, i immediately grab them, build them at home, and then turn them into a nixel mech.

to show further about this mech, here's a video review:

and a gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

contemplation (by John Stephens)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you stunning creation by John Stephens on flickr.

personally, i would never tought that robot and flower could go well together. in this scene however, oddly enough, the flowers doesn't feel out of place at all. it instead complements the look, making it looks like an art. well done, John!

to see John's other creation, visit his flickr page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

MFZ- 41536, 41537, 41538 (by Wm Bryon Duncan)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you nifty little bot by Wm Bryon Duncan.

these little bot is made to be played in mobile frame zero tabletop game. what makes these particular bots awesome is that not only the design itself is cool, these guys are made only using parts from the mixels klinkers tribe.

to see these guys closer, as well as Duncan's other creations, check out his flickr page.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

legoformer: Fall Of cybertron jazz (by Chris Roach)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you a cool homage to jazz by Chris Roach.

there's not much of a legoformer based on Fall of Cybertron character, so this is a fresh change. plus, both the alt mode and the robot mode looks awesome, so what's there to complaint? i'm for sure have none.

to show further about this guy, here's a video review:

and check his gallery on MOCpages too

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

legoformer: grunt

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my newest legoformer, grunt.

this moc originally intended to be a mod of nkubate's moc, toxic, but in the process, i keep made a change here and there, that the end result looks different, so i decides to just makes him a completely different character.

to show more about this guy, here's a video review:

and gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

wasteland scout (by Charis Stella)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showcasing a cool little mech by Charis Stella.

MOC like this that keeps me reminded that it doesn't have to be big and complicated to be cool. the mech itself looks badass, and add a proper scenery, and you get a stunning simple creation.

to see other picture of this mech, visit the album.

and also check Charis's flickr page for more of her creations.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Sunday, June 14, 2015

mini voltron (by WALL-C)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you this cool little voltron by WALL-C on flickr.

voltron was a part of my childhood, and also my favourite combiner robot back then. this little voltron, although not transformable, is pretty good at capturing voltron in such a scale.

to see more angle, visit voltron flickr album

and also check WALL-C's flickr page for more of his creations.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Krana Powersuit Mk II (by Logey Bear)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you this awesome power suit made by Logey Bear, on flickr.

to add more diversity in my blog, how about some technic/bionicle build? this guy looks so badass that i think even some system fans would appreciate it. thanks to the bionicle and technic bits, this guy manage to pull off tech-y details all over his body.

to see other angle of this awesome mech, look at his album.

and also visit Logey's flickr page for more of his creations.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

instruction & update: stargazer

heya all!

back again with me. i made an instruction for legoformer stargazer, as promised.

if you don't know anything about this guy, check my post about him here

and also, here's a tutorial to transform him back to vehicle mode, just in case.

instruction can be downloaded on my repubrick page

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

MT1 Training Mechsuit (by Marco Marozzi)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showcasing an awesome mech made by Marco Marozzi on flickr.

this mech has a badass looks overall, but i think what makes it awesome is that it uses variety of pars mix. in this mech, you can see technic pieces, system pieces, and hero factory pieces, all mixed up, and in such a way that none of them looks out of place.

to see more about this guy, you can visit Marco's flickr album

and also check his flickr gallery for more of his creation.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

legoformer: stargazer (31034 alternate build)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you my latest legoformer, stargazer.

this legoformer is made for a challenge one of my friend give me, where we both using 31034 future flyer set only, to make a legoformer. well, this is my result...

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and a gallery here

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

FER 2.1 "the mad saint" (by Chokolat Shadow!)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showcasing an awesome mech, made by Chokolat Shadow! on flickr.

at first glance, you can definitely see that this mech is really well made. the details he put there is just cool, and the toolbox shoulder adds more character. not to mention the cute, yet cool pilot,utilizing friends minifig.

to see a little more, see FER 2.1 gallery here

and also see Chokolat Shadow!'s flickr page for more of his creation.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

legoformer: Stepside (by IXRollOutIX)

heya all!

back again with me, this time i'm showing you a legoformer made by one of my favourite builder IXRollOutIX on youtube.

a legoformer doesn't have to be big to looks cool, and stepside here is a solid proof of that.

to show further about this creation, here's a video review:

and if you ends up liking this guy, and wants to build him, IXRollOutIX also made an instruction:

also, check IXRollOutIX youtube channel, for more of his creation.

that's all for now, hope you enjoy it :)